Hello and welcome!

I am Allison Basore, an Electrical and Computer Engineering Student at Olin College of Engineering.

Some of my favorite things are staying active, parliamentary procedure, entrepreneurship, drinking coffee, and tinkering on personal projects. My journey to where I am now started on my high school robotics team when I decided that all I wanted to do was build cool things that helped the world. From day one at Olin I was working on electrical, software, and mechanical projects. More than just technical experience, Olin has given me the opportunity to bond with my peers and build fantastic project teams.

Along with staying busy in classes, I am blessed to be a part of several campus organizations. I am currently serving on the Entrepreneurship Club (The Foundry) Board. I also serve on the Society of Women Engineers local chapter board. Both of these organization give me the opportunity to give back to the Olin community for causes I care about.